KONnectibles Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions
Effective from 26 August 2022, these KONnectibles Terms and Conditions set out below are important and affect your rights as a Member of KONnectibles.
KONnectibles Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions
Effective from 26 August 2022, these KONnectibles Terms and Conditions set out below are important and affect your rights as a Member of KONnectibles.
In these KONnectibles Terms and Conditions unless the context requires otherwise:
"AirConnect" means AIR CONNECT AVIATION GROUP S.A., with registered offices in 42 – 44 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, Baneasa Business & Technology Park, Building A, 3rd floor, District 1, Bucharest, Romania, VAT RO 45032428.
"air-connect.com" means the AirConnect website, www.air-connect.com.
"Benefits" mean:
(a) any Benefits comprising, in whole or in part, goods or services other than flights supplied by or on behalf of AirConnect upon redemption by a Member of an appropriate part of the Member's KON points and included Benefits in their Membership; and/or
(b) services available from time to time in each case upon redemption by a Member of an appropriate part of the Member's KON points or Benefits.
"Card" means, where issued, a Rose, Red or Ruby digital membership card, as the case may be.
"Data" means personal data of a Member.
"Fraud" includes fraud, dishonesty, and deceit, for example:
- a Member knowingly supplying incorrect information including at the time of booking to accrue KON points;
- attempting to accrue KON for tickets which have not been flown or are not eligible for KON points;
- altering documents to procure KON;
- attempting to accrue KON for tickets flown by any person other than the Member;
- using or attempting to use stolen or counterfeit tickets on AirConnect flights;
- attempting to accrue KON more than once for the same flight;
- selling, bartering and/or purchasing KON or benefits including attempting to sell or transfer KON or benefits by means of internet-based sales or auctions; or
- knowingly benefiting from the Fraud or Misconduct of another Member or individual.
"KON" means the credits (and each unit thereof) denominated as "KON" or "KON points" earned by a Member of KONnectibles and credited to their account.
"KONnectibles" or “Program” means the loyalty program called KONnectibles operated by AirConnect.
"Loss" means losses, costs, damages, injuries, accidents, or claims (whether direct or indirect) suffered by Members in connection with the provision of services or benefits.
"Lounge" means an airport lounge provided for Members.
"Marketing Partners" means Service Partners, franchisees, subsidiaries of AirConnect and any company engaged by AirConnect to offer services, products, or facilities to Members.
"Member" means the person who is a member of KONnectibles.
"Membership" means membership of KONnectibles.
"Membership or Account Number or ID" means the membership number allocated in accordance with Article III of the KONnectibles Terms and Conditions.
"Misconduct" includes:
- failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions or the terms and conditions of an AirConnect flight; or
- attempting to obtain KON by Fraud; or
- misusing the Benefits; or
- misconduct on board an AirConnect flight or in any lounge or while checking-in or boarding; or
- misconduct in dealing with AirConnect's staff; or
- failure to comply with the applicable General Terms and Conditions of Carriage for passengers and any other applicable rules and regulations.
"Red" mean the second Tier Membership level.
"Rose" means the basic or lowest Tier Membership level.
"Ruby" means the highest Tier Membership level.
"Services" means Tier Benefits, services, and any other benefits, goods, or services from time to time available to Members.
"Tier" means one of the 3 (three) Membership Tiers of Rose, Red or Ruby, as determined by the KON earned by the Member and the number of AirConnect flights flown within a 12-month period as stated in Article IV below.
"Tier Benefits" means the different combinations of loyalty recognition benefits applicable from time to time for each of the Tier levels.
The KONnectibles program is a loyalty reward program that provides offers, benefits, and services to Program participants (“Members”) through accrual and redemption of KON points.
The Program terms and conditions (“Terms”) regulate the legal relationship between AirConnect and Members, the participation in the Program and the manner of accruing and then redeeming KON.
As part of the Program, AirConnect hereby informs its passengers of the rules, terms, and conditions for accruing and purchasing KON and then redeeming them for available services. Rules governing accrual, purchase, and redemption of KON are established exclusively by AirConnect.
Correspondence will be sent to the Member's last preferred emailing address and/or the e-mail address provided on application, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. AirConnect reserves the right to provide information, including changes to the KONnectibles program only to confirmed Members.
AirConnect may unilaterally amend these Terms at its own discretion at any time and without prior notice. AirConnect will inform Members of any change to the Terms by publishing them in subsequent versions of this document on www.air-connect.com website.
AirConnect is entitled, at its own discretion and without prior notice, to void all KON, offers and even Member status in the event a Member violates the Program’s rules of proper functioning.
Member responsibility
KON are accrued, retained, purchased, and redeemed exclusively in accordance with the Terms of the Program and with applicable legislation. Any other use, disposal, sale, assignment, exchange, promotion, or transfer of KON by the Member or any third party is expressly prohibited. KON which were not accrued or retained in accordance with the Terms of the Program are automatically void and non-redeemable. Such KON will be subtracted from the account. AirConnect reserves the right to monitor Members’ proper use of the Program throughout the duration of their participation in the Program.
Any fraud or misconduct by a Member in the Program or done in favor of a Member or if a Member fails to comply with any of the rules of the Terms of the Program, may lead to the immediate exclusion of the Member from any current or future Program offer, suspend and/or discontinue the Member’s participation in the Program and void all KON accrued under the Program. In any incidence of illegal use of KON and/or violation of any Term of the Program, AirConnect reserves all legal rights, including its right to raise claims and to seek remedy before the competent courts and authorities.
All natural persons over the age of 2 (two) years are entitled to participate in the Program. Legal entities, companies, associations, or similar entities do not qualify for Membership. Employees of AirConnect, any airline or travel agency cannot participate in the Program.
Participation in the Program is strictly personal and cannot be transferred or assigned by a Member to any third party.
The person fills out the online application form and sends it electronically. They immediately receive the membership details by e-mail, with the Account Number and Tier level.
Each Account Number is unique and the information it provides is the only indicator of the status of each Program Member, superseding any other information which may appear on the card, including its expiration date. The Account Number and Password entitle the Member to collect and redeem KON.
In case the Member has not completed their registration, they will not be able to redeem, purchase, transfer KON, or create a Family account.
A completed Registration is defined as a Member Profile with the following fields completed: Preferred Language, Title, First Name, Last Name, Date of birth, Nationality, E-mail address, Phone Number, Address, Country, and Password.
By electronically sending the completed application, the Member fully and unconditionally accepts these Terms and Conditions, as well as AirConnect’s Privacy Policy.
During the Program registration process, Members are required to provide their accurate full name in Latin letters, as it appears on an identification document (ID card or passport).
AirConnect may accept or reject any application for participation at its own discretion.
Each Member may only maintain one personal Account to which the accrued KON are credited. In the event there are two or more Accounts, they shall all be voided along with any KON accrued in those Accounts, and only the Account first created (oldest) shall be retained.
New Members are entitled to register KON to their Account retroactively for flights taken up to 12 (twelve) months before registration, if they send the required documents (boarding passes, ticket receipts) to AirConnect.
Members wishing to terminate their participation in the Program must declare their intention in writing. After processing the request, the Account and KON will be voided automatically.
The Account and KON are voided automatically in the event of the Member’s death.
The KONnectibles Program consists of 3 (three) tiers: ROSE, RED and RUBY, determined by the KON earned within a specific period and on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the level, the Program offers 3 (three) types of electronic Cards: the ROSE card, the RED card, and the RUBY card.
AirConnect maintains the right to modify at its own discretion, anytime and with no previous notice the Program's tier upgrade and retain rules, as well as the Program’s benefits.
The card is personal and indicates the holder's name. The Member is not allowed to transfer and/or assign their rights of possession and use of the card to a third party. The card is a property of AirConnect who reserves the right to withdraw or cancel or replace it with a card of the same or different level.
The card is not a credit card and cannot be used as an identification document for flying. In case the Member has not completed the registration, they will not receive a card.
In case of loss, theft or destruction of the card, the Member should immediately notify AirConnect by calling Customer Care or by filling-in the online form available on www.air-connect.com.
It is clarified that only RUBY Members receive a physical plastic card.
It is clarified that flights for which the Member does not earn KON, do not count for tier upgrade or retain.
It is clarified that the date of the RED or RUBY tier upgrade is calculated according to the following:
(a) when KON are automatically credited by the system, and tier upgrade occurs based on these KON, then the date of the upgrade is calculated according to the date of the flight while,
(b) when KON are credited through the online form "Missing KON" and tier upgrade occurs based on these KON, then the date of the upgrade is calculated according to the flight registration date.
ROSE Card:
The ROSE Member must use their digital card to take advantage of the Program’s benefits, since they will not receive a plastic card. The ROSE Member can access their digital card by logging into KONnectibles and go to ‘Login’’ section, on www.air-connect.com.
The ROSE Member that accumulates 27 000 KON, including at least 2 (two) flights with AirConnect, within a year from the date of the first transaction (registration or first flight) or from entry in the tier or from an older flight with registered KON that have not expired, will be upgraded to the RED tier.
It shall be made clear that:
(a) If the ROSE Member has not collected 27 000 KON, including at least 2 (two) flights with AirConnect, within a period of 12 (twelve) consecutive months from the date of the first valid flight that registered KON, then the accrued KON shall not be automatically reset, but shall rather be successively deleted, once 1 (one) year elapses from each flight event, effected within the said twelve-month period.
(b) The twelve-month period for the accumulation of the 27 000 KON, including at least 2 (two) flights with AirConnect, will count from the date of the first oldest valid flight that registered KON.
(c) If the required KON are accumulated within 12 (twelve) months from the date of the first transaction in the program (registration or first flight or entry in the tier or older, non-expired flight that registered KON) and therefore the Member is upgraded to RED tier, the required tier KON alone are reset so that KON can be recorded anew for the RUBY tier. Any amount of KON beyond that required for a tier upgrade will be taken into account for the next upgrade but not for retaining RED tier.
RED Card:
The RED Member must accumulate 20 000 KON including at least 2 (two) flights with AirConnect, within a period of twelve consecutive months from the date on which they were upgraded to/retained RED tier, so that their Card status will be automatically extended for 1 (one) year. It shall be made clear that any amount of KON beyond that required for retaining tier will be taken into account for the next upgrade but not for retaining RED tier. If the RED Member does not manage to accumulate the above KON within the determined time, then they will be downgraded to the ROSE Tier.
The RED Member can access their digital card by logging into KONnectibles and go to ‘Login’’ section, on www.air-connect.com.
The RED Member that accumulates 54 000 KON, including at least 4 (four) flights with AirConnect, within 12 (twelve) consecutive months from the date of the first oldest flight that registered KON which have not expired or been used for tier upgrade, after being upgraded to/retaining RED tier, will be upgraded to RUBY tier and will receive the RUBY Card.
It shall be made clear that:
(a) If the RED Member has not collected the KON required for upgrade to the RUBY tier within a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of the first valid flight that registered KON, then the accrued KON shall not be automatically reset, but shall rather be successively deleted, once 1 (one) year elapses from each flight event, effected within the said twelve-month period.
(b) The twelve-month period for the accumulation of the 54 000 KON, including at least 4 (four) flights with AirConnect, will count from the date of the first valid flight that registered KON.
(c) If the required KON are accumulated and therefore the Member is upgraded to the RUBY tier, any amount of KON beyond that required for a tier upgrade will not be taken into account for retaining RUBY tier.
RUBY Card:
The RUBY Member must accumulate 44 000 KON including 4 (four) flights with AirConnect, within a period of 12 (twelve) consecutive months from the date when they became a RUBY Member, so that their Card can be automatically renewed for 1 (one) year.
It shall be made clear that any amount of KON beyond that required for retaining tier will not be taken into account for retaining RUBY tier. If the RUBY Member does not manage to accumulate the above KON within the determined time, then they will be downgraded to the RED Tier.
KON determine the Tier of the Program to which the Member belongs. These are KON that each Member collects from specific activities cumulatively, in order to become a ROSE member or RED or RUBY member. KON are accumulated from flights with AirConnect and have a 12 (twelve) month lifetime.
Every Member collects KON in order to redeem products and services offered by the Program. 1 (one) euro spent is 7 KON.
No member will collect KON for tickets issued free of charge by the airline, either for contests or other types of rewards.
KON can be purchased by all KONnectibles Members, but this facility will be available at a later stage.
Transfer KON will be available at a later stage.
Members can redeem KON to purchase AirConnect products and services, available on www.air-connect.com, but this facility will be available at a later stage.
AirConnect may, at its own discretion, unilaterally cancel the Program at any time after giving 1 (one) month’s prior written notice to Members.
In the event of AirConnect’s bankruptcy, buy-out, merger, or winding up in any manner, the Program shall be automatically cancelled, and all Member Accounts and accrued KON shall be voided. As such, AirConnect shall thereafter no longer be liable to Members, nor will Members be able to raise any claims against AirConnect.
AirConnect’s liability to Members in relation to the Program is limited. AirConnect is in no way liable, even for negligence, for any loss or damage (direct or consequential) resulting from the use and implementation of the Program. In all events, any liability on AirConnect’s part, whether contractual, tortuous, or otherwise, to compensate Members for damages, losses, costs, or expenses resulting from any action or omission, shall be limited only to crediting anew to the Member's Account any KON corresponding to the contested special offer. AirConnect accepts no liability for any consequential damages.
AirConnect shall not be liable for any loss, delay, or damage, direct or indirect, which may be caused using a Program's special offer, provided that in such case, the provider of the offer is a third party and not AirConnect. Such liability lies exclusively with the third-party provider of the offer.
AirConnect is not liable for any harm or damage to Members or third parties because of submission of false or inaccurate Member personal data.
AirConnect shall bear no liability for any delays in service by postal carriers or couriers.
Members are required to notify AirConnect in writing of any changes to their personal data (name, surname, address, etc.).
AirConnect is not liable for any errors, omissions or alterations of the text or contents of the Terms upon printing of this document or any other Program-related documents.
The Terms and Conditions of the Program and the legal relationship between AirConnect and Program Members are governed by Romanian law, and the Courts in Bucharest have jurisdiction in resolving any disputes which may arise from participation in the Program.