We provided this website solely for the purpose of enabling you to check the availability of goods or services, make legitimate reservations, use our online check-in, or transact other business with us or other suppliers. You may only use the website in accordance with these terms and conditions and for the legally permitted purposes described above.
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your website access information (such as usernames, passwords and personal identification numbers) and booking data (such as booking references and your travel itinerary).
You must not:
- use our website in a manner which causes an infringement of the proprietary rights of other people.
- use any devices, mechanisms, software or other scripts which could interfere with the working of our website.
- take any action which could result in an unreasonable or excessive burden on the AirConnect infrastructure.
- reproduce information from our website for commercial purposes, including providing prices for AirConnect flights on another website or another online server.
- make any unauthorized, false or fraudulent bookings.